MST Corporation








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  • MILL BORE Selection tool

Replace with helical boring!

The MILL BORE is a tool holder for exchangeable cutters that combines our “SLIMLINE shrink-fit holder” with a carbide arbor. Problems associated with boring using a conventional boring head are solved with the MILL BORE because the boring process is helical.
The finished surface roughness, roundness, and cylindricity of the hole will have a higher precision than with a conventional boring head.

Solves boring application problems!

1. Reduced set-up time

Since dimensional adjustment is required,
setup time is increased.
Skill is required.

Tool diameter offset using NC control reduces the time required for manual adjustment.

2. Chip problems are solved

Long, connected chips
Damages machining surface
and leads to machine trouble

Milling creates only small chips
Compatible with automation and
unmanned operation

3. Reduces the number of holders

Need to purchase separate holders for
each diameter bore

1 holder can be used for boring various diameters

4. A wide variety of tool types

Limited insert variations

Compatible with a variety of indexable tools depending on the material and purpose



Can combined as you like

The holder and carbide arbor can be combined to ensure rigidity while avoiding interference associated with the shape of the workpiece.

MILL BORE Selection Tool

Please use this tool to determine the optimal combination of holders and carbide arbors.
>>MILL BORE Selection Tool

※A dedicated access code is required for use. Registration is required to use the tool.
※Below screen is under development and the final specifications may be different.

Dimensions/ External drawings/ Drawing Data Download

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Cutting data


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